I don't really know as I shut the door on those people and that part of my life a very long time ago.
The only one so do know of are three families I was close to growing up each couple had two children, and in each family one stayed and one left.
how many in your age group are still jehovahs witnesses?
from where we are at, there aren't many left.
each year it gets smaller and smaller haha .
I don't really know as I shut the door on those people and that part of my life a very long time ago.
The only one so do know of are three families I was close to growing up each couple had two children, and in each family one stayed and one left.
last week we had a reassurance ultrasound with our ob.
she was just supposed to check heartbeats on the two little ones and they were going strong!
but because she had extra time and she can be quite anal about her work (which is a good thing) she decided to take some measurements.
Sorry for your loss.💐
yes, your cult has been banned in russia.
what surprises me is that this hasn't happened in more countries.
what surprises me is that civil suits in the u.s. haven't flooded the courts -- violation of civil and human rights because of the cruel act of shunning of disfellowshipped ones, even members of one's own family.. discrimination is a form of cruelty and civil and human rights define such.
I couldn't agree more,Simon. Do not excuse the individual JW actions, they are masters at making their bad behavior someone else's fault.
It's like an abusive husband who says it's his wife's fault he hit her. JWs try to say it's the DF'd persons fault.
I am never responsible for someone else's bad behavior. But on the other hand I am always responsible for my own bad behavior. I always have a choice in how I act or respond and so do the JWs.
before my mother's death, it would have impacted me.
now , i wouldn't care..
Once my parents are gone, I don't care. My siblings are vile JW's so I don't care if I ever have anything to do with them. As long as my parents are alive I will keep most of my opinions to myself. I live life freely as it is, because I physically relocated from the area where I am known to JWs.
i dont know where to start so why not at the beginning.
i was seeing this girl and we hit it off great chemistry.
it went from a physical to a deeper relationship.
JWs always try to make their actions a result of something you did. Don't fall for it. You said "if I had said yes earlier maybe she wouldn't have went back." It's her choice, her actions, don't take responsibility for her bad behavior.
i know it sounds cold, but having dealt with my own family members JW craziness, I can speak from experience. JWs explain their bad behavior in terms of what you did to cause it. My sister has done awful things to her children because of "their actions", which consisted of not wanting to be a witness anymore.
People are also drawn to the witnesses because they don't have to be responsible for the state of their life. The religion takes all the decision making out of it, so the results are not the individuals responsibility.
i dont know where to start so why not at the beginning.
i was seeing this girl and we hit it off great chemistry.
it went from a physical to a deeper relationship.
i dont know where to start so why not at the beginning.
i was seeing this girl and we hit it off great chemistry.
it went from a physical to a deeper relationship.
Why do you want to put yourself through all of this? There are billions of people on the face of this earth, move on with one of them. You can see that the religion seeks to limit people, control their lives. You cannot save her from this, she has to save herself. JWs prey upon people with low self esteem, limited education, or who are at a low point in their lives. Walk away, live your life, follow your dreams. There is no upside to getting further involved.
edited to add: please don't tell me it's because you love her. This isn't a healthy love relationship. People who love each other have respect for each other's feelings. She wants you to play a game by her rules or she doesn't play at all. Doesn't sound like love to me.
i dont know where to start so why not at the beginning.
i was seeing this girl and we hit it off great chemistry.
it went from a physical to a deeper relationship.
Let it go. Be sad, move on. The brand of crazy peddled by JWs is all reaching and ever present. The only Witnesses I have contact with are my parents, because I will not allow that type of idiocy into my life. Cut ties, walk away, you don't have to save her, or the world, you only have to save yourself.
this is the kind of government you are supporting.. over 100 gay men have been sent to concentration camps for homosexuals in chechnya and three people have been killed.. stop supporting fascism.. if you support the russia jw ban, what other thoughts and beliefs are you ok with policing?.
if you support the jw russia ban, have you read george orwell's 1984?
don't you realize you are advocating for literal fascism when you support the banning of a belief system?
I couldn't care less what happens to JWs, they bring most of this on themselves by being obstinate.
That being said, I do not like the ban because at a certain point, who gets to decide what is allowed and what isn't. It's great as long as they ban all the stuff I don't like. Not so much when they start banning stuff I like.
People should be free to believe what they want, even if it is a stupid, family wrecking cult. Just like I am free to believe it is a stupid, family wrecking cult.
it's been brought to my attention that there are xjw that say they support the witnesses and don't think russia should ban them.
i would just like to remind all of you that jws are guilty of murder, causing higher rates of suicide, covering up child molestation, and keeping members in prisoned because if they leave they loose family, financial support, possible employment etc.. sure their not strapping bombs to their chests but they easily get members to kill themselves with their blood policies.
they are an extremist group!
Yeah- the Enron employees got in just as much trouble as Enron the company, so where do you draw the line?
I think banning a religion is wrong. But I don't feel Witnesses are not responsible for their own actions. They can choose to act however they want, and most of them choose to act badly.